Product Manager.
Trying to find what makes most to the society, and how I can contribute to it.

Information on this page might not be reliable due to protect my privacy.
Last update on 12th November, 2023.

Low poly triangles generated by Delaunay triangle pattern maker.

I am Kota Ura.
I graduated University of California, Santa Cruz Extension with a technology & engineering - database & data analytics certificate in 2015. I also graduated Kanagawa University with an economics - modern business degree in 2010.
I am currently working at S&P Global (as known as Standard and Poor's), as product manager. Previously I have worked at Gaussy (a carved-out company from Mitsubishi Corporation), Omise Payment, Information Services International Dentsu, Wise (formerly known as TransferWise),, and IACT Corporation.
Several projects I have been working on; Day One app - Japanese translation in 2018, OpenEmu translation on Github from 2016 to 2018. Bitcoin statistical analytics chart app called BTC Stats, and FlyPal app for Emirates Travel Hackathon, last two were held in 2015 when I lived in San Francisco, California. I wish I could go back. I moved to the United States in 2014.
I speak Japanese as a native speaker and have professional proficiency in English.
I spoke at Japan-America society of St. Louis in 2018 about Entrepreneurship and Business incubation in Japan and the United States (Backup). I love the States, even though they have a very short history compared with other countries. I feel freedom when I see the salsa bar at El Pollo Loco. I support equality for all humans and stand against racism.
I have some certificates, for instance, Licensed Scrum Master, Database & Data Analytics certificate at UCSC, and a Google Analytics qualifier.
My happiness is made by being honest with myself seeking what I really want. On the other hand, I always care about the customer’s. My voice is never louder than the customer. Satisfaction is nowhere near enough.
My favorite saying is "Giving up is not in the blood, sir. Not in the blood.". I was so encouraged by this. Probably, nothing is impossible, as long as you are pursuing your dream.
Born and raised in Tokyo, Japan. I love traveling, hiking, power-lifting, snacks, and candies. A goal of mine in life is to live and work on all six continents. I am three down with three to go. Ping me if you could take me to Antarctica, but I usually don't reply to a random message, especially if you are working at recruiting agency.